Phone 860.572.0460
Fax 860.572.0462

Hours Monday - Friday: 10a-5p
Saturday: 10a-4p

44 Washington St., Mystic, CT 06355 (map)
Guitars and Amplification
Basses and Amplification
Drums and Percussion
Pro Audio
Lighting Products
Anderson Guitarworks

Widely known and embraced for crafting the highest quality guitars available, Anderson Guitarworks is currently producing the finest instruments in the company’s illustrious history; elevating the art of guitar building to a whole new level while creating instruments that are truly rewarding to play.

Well into our second decade as an authorized Anderson Guitarworks dealer, Alpha Audio Works is intimately familiar with all of the available options and subtle nuances involved in the design of these amazing instruments.

We welcome the opportunity to assist you in making the Anderson guitar of your dreams a reality.
Anderson Guitarworks
We offer the following Anderson Guitarworks products:

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