Phone 860.572.0460
Fax 860.572.0462

Hours Monday - Friday: 10a-5p
Saturday: 10a-4p

44 Washington St., Mystic, CT 06355 (map)
Guitars and Amplification
Basses and Amplification
Drums and Percussion
Pro Audio
Lighting Products
D'Angelico Guitars

Over the course of more than 80 years D'Angelico's promise has remained the same: to produce exceptional guitars that uphold the legacy of company founder John D’Angelico. The D'Angelico product line features iconic reissues, new semi-hollow designs, and the first solid-body collection in the brand’s 85-year history, all of which are defined by their remarkable quality and tone. At D’Angelico, we maintain our legend by guaranteeing the highest quality instruments made with the utmost passion.
D'Angelico Guitars
We offer the following D'Angelico Guitars products:

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