Phone 860.572.0460
Fax 860.572.0462

Hours Monday - Friday: 10a-5p
Saturday: 10a-4p

44 Washington St., Mystic, CT 06355 (map)
Guitars and Amplification
Basses and Amplification
Drums and Percussion
Pro Audio
Lighting Products

Delivering quality sound reinforcement to a crowd of 50,000 requires a lot from a speaker system; but so does making an impression on a club crowd of 200, or in a theatre that seats 1200. Working professionals need to be able to rely on their speaker system to deliver 100% every time it’s powered up, which is why PAS designs pay so much attention to achieving clean, clear sonic punch without compromising strength of construction. Solid vocal projection, tight bottom end reproduction and transparent high frequency response are characteristics that you’ll find in every PAS speaker system.
Copyright 2025 by Alpha Audio Works :: Website design by Thomas Offen