Phone 860.572.0460
Fax 860.572.0462

Hours Monday - Friday: 10a-5p
Saturday: 10a-4p

44 Washington St., Mystic, CT 06355 (map)
Guitars and Amplification
Basses and Amplification
Drums and Percussion
Pro Audio
Lighting Products
Paso Sound

Founded in 1931 by industry pioneer John Geloso, Geloso SA Manufacturing/Geloso Electronics was split into nine separate divisions in 1973. Paso (an acronym for Professional Audio and SOund) was the division established to produce and distribute professional and commercial sound products and accessories. Today, the company’s strong success is rooted in their 70-plus years of engineering and manufacturing experience in the electronics and intercommunication fields.
Paso Sound
We offer the following Paso Sound products:

Copyright 2025 by Alpha Audio Works :: Website design by Thomas Offen